Goin' Skiing

Friday, February 27, 2009

About this Bog and Author

First of all let me thank you for finding this blog and reading it. If you'd like to comment on it, please do - just keep it relevant.

Skiing and being part of the outdoor winter environment is a very large part of life of which I am passionate about. I ski mostly at Windham Mountain NY - where I am a senior alpine ski patroller - but I also travel to Hunter, Gore Mountain, West Mountain, Whiteface (Lake Placid) and a few other places during the course of a ski season.

As with my other blogs, I will try and make informative, fun and open to comments and interaction. I welcome relevant dialogue from anyone who reads and content from those who wish to contribute. As someone who travels with kids to ski races to all the above mountains, I will throw in some information on places that friendly to tuning skis, value based places to stay, and an overall fun factor.

Enjoy the blog

Tim D.